Annual Report 2023-24
The PSC Annual Report for 2023-24 summarises the work of the Commissioner and sets out her strategy to improve patient safety.

100 Days Report
In February the Patient Safety Commissioner released a report on her first 100 Days in the new role. It sets out what she has done, who she heard from, details of the correspondence she has received, and her plans and ambitions for the future.

Annual Report 2022-23
The PSC Annual Report 2022-23 outlines the work of the Commissioner in the first seven months in her role, including setting out her priorities, her engagement with patients and the health system, and influencing senior leaders to improve patient safety.

Business Plan FY 2024-25
The Office of the Patient Safety Commissioner has set out its strategy and plans for 2024-25 in its business plan.

The Hughes Report
The PSC published her report on options for redress for those harmed by pelvic mesh and valproate on 7 February 2024. The report makes 10 recommendations to government on how to provide redress to those harmed.