It is one year since I published the Hughes Report on the options for redress for those harmed by pelvic mesh and valproate. When I launched the report in Parliament on 7th February 2024, I never imagined that a year later I would…
Using the Patient Safety Principles to improve culture
All healthcare work sometimes includes making truly difficult decisions, decisions that can have serious consequences for patients and their families, now, or in the future. This stretches from wards to Boards and into every part of the healthcare system. You only need…
‘New principles will help us make the right choices’
Every day we have to make tough choices, balancing benefits and risks. Those choices impact on patient safety, right now or far into the future, with effects that we might have never intended or anticipated. There are too many tragedies where people…
‘It is up to us to seize the opportunities from Darzi’
To celebrate World Patient Safety Day, I have spoken with and learned from global patient safety leaders at the Patient Safety Movement Foundation, the World Health Organisation, the Women in Medicine International Network, and…
‘It is up to us to create a new and safer system for the future’
To celebrate World Patient Safety Day 2024, which this year focused on improving diagnostics for patient safety, I spoke with and learned from global patient safety leaders at the Patient Safety Movement Foundation, the World Health Organisation, the Women in Medicine International Network, and the HSJ Patient Safety Congress.
‘Leaders must be empowered not infantilised’
There is a fragility at the top of the health system, a lack of individual accountability. There is infantilisation of people who have been selected to be expert and dysfunction in the relationships between…